Bobbi Palmer, founder of Date Like a Grownup, is an internationally recognized expert who teaches over-40 women how to finally find peaceful, passionate, grownup love.
Bobbi has lived your story. She worked her butt off to figure out ‘the love thing’ and became a first-time bride at age 47. Joyfully married since 2006, she walks her talk every day and, with compassion and a side of sass, she helps women do what she did.
If you’re frustrated and confused about dating, Bobbi wants you to know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. No one ever taught you how to date like a grownup, right?? There are just some things you don't yet know.
Bobbi has been featured on The Today Show, Huffington Post, NPR, Women’s World magazine,,, AARP and numerous other TV, radio and print outlets. Want dating help that actually makes sense? Find her recipe for grownup dating at
Why men do this or don't do that can be confounding to women. Whether he's a colleague, client, boss, lover, brother or can be your pain in the butt and rival...or they can be your joy and strongest supporter.
In this episode you’ll learn surprising things about men that are sure to get you what you want and need while strengthening the relationship and leaving him smiling! (Yes. These can all co-exist.)
Some things you’ll learn:
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Create Goals that are Worthy of you: If you are done with either pursuing vanilla goals, suffering through the struggle of goals that are not aligned with your strengths, or dealing with heartbreak of an unattainable goal this course is for you!
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Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to Doing: A simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.