Patsy Doerr is the Chief Executive Officer of The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI). Patsy leads all facets of AJLI and serves as the face of the organization, advocating in both the public and private sectors.
Patsy is a leading expert and thought leader in the field of corporate social responsibility, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability. She has been interviewed by a number of publications and programs, including Forbes, The Muse, The Hill and ThriveGlobal. Completing over 75+ keynote presentations, panel moderations and group discussion facilitations per year, Patsy is frequently tapped to discuss DEI issues.
Her greatest passion is helping organizations build and develop initiatives that best position them for long-term success in a diverse, global environment.
Forbes Blog:
Thrive Global Blog:
The Muse (Interview): My Job Is to Promote Diversity and Inclusion at a Major Company
The Hill (Op-ed): Gender Equality is Good for Business
Swaay (Byline): No Title No Problem: How I Created My Own Positions Throughout My Career
PokerDivas (Podcast Interview): It May Be Diverse But Is It Inclusive
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