
Women Taking the Lead

The Women Taking the Lead podcast is a resource for women leaders, allies, and organizations looking to promote more women into senior leadership. Episode formats include specific leadership challenges, "on-air" coaching with women leaders, and interviews with internal talent and organizational development leaders. Women Taking the Lead inspires women to overcome self-doubt and lead with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor.
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Now displaying: April, 2017
Apr 24, 2017

JenGlantz is the brains behind the business, Bridesmaid for Hire, the heart behind the blog, The Things I Learned From, and the main character inside of the Amazon-best-selling book, All My Friends are Engaged. Her new book, Always a Bridesmaid for Hire is available now for pre-order.  

Jen's told her story to over 500 press outlets world-wide, such as the TODAY Show, Good Morning America, CNN and Fox News, where they called her job the "weirdest of all time". Jen is a mentor for New York City women entrepreneurs and a hired speaker for conferences and workshops around the country. 

Click to tweet: .@JenGlantz is sharing her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead #inspiration

Playing Small Moment

After a viral post, Jen’s business was an instant whirlwind. Nine months in, Jen was still working a full-time job and running her business full-time, essentially being two people at once. Jen was severely lacking a work and home life balance, and was beyond exhausted. Jen was her own assistant, lawyer and accountant. Right as she was ready to throw her hands up in the air, Jen met up with a free business mentor who sat her down to tell her some hard truths that she needed to hear. Jen’s mentor worked with her to overcome the fear of failure that was paralyzing her and helped her strive to fail.

The Wake Up Call

Jen had gained lots of experience being a bridesmaid for most of her friends’ weddings. Her reputation as a stellar bridesmaid resulted in her receiving bridesmaid requests from women she wasn’t even close with. Jen toyed with the idea of starting a website and writing honest advice on how to be a good bridesmaid. After her friend pointed out that she had basically become a professional bridesmaid, a new business idea clicked in Jen’s head. She knew it sounded crazy, but on a whim, posted on Craigslist. Jen’s ad turned into a viral sensation and suddenly she was receiving hundreds of emails from around the globe. Jen had always felt that her calling was to help people during difficult times. With Jen’s desire to help others and her on-the-job training as a bridesmaid, Jen knew she had discovered what she was meant to do.

Style of Leadership

Jen is skilled in relating to people and always tries to remember who she is helping and make it about them. Jen really tries to listen and hear what they have to say so she can understand what their problem really is before suggesting anything. Jen realizes she can sometimes be a stubborn leader. She has to remind herself, at times, to step back and ask for help, listen to comments, and make sure her stubbornness isn’t standing in the way.

What Are You Excited About?

Jen’s book, Always a Bridesmaid (for Hire): Stories on Growing Up, Looking for Love, and Walking Down the Aisle for Complete Strangers, was not an easy process. She was rejected by 27 publishers so when that “yes” finally came though, it was such an incredible feeling.

Current Business Challenge

Right now, Jen is striving to make her life easier and develop more of a work life balance. She has always been someone who did everything herself and she spends way longer to get things done that way. Jen’s resolution this year is to change that.

Leadership Practice

Jen tries to learn about other people’s practices and find out how they became better leaders, so she can learn from their mistakes and experiences.

Advice For Younger Self

“Slow down.” Jen was always getting in trouble when she was younger for rushing through everything and has always tried to live life in the fast road.

Inspirational Quote

“Never, never, never give up”


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Apr 20, 2017

Hello everyone and thank you for joining me today. As of the day of this recording I am 2 months away from my Spartan race. I have kept to my nutrition plan and I have amped up my workouts but I’m still a little bit nervous.

This Saturday I’ll be going with my sister and brother-in-law into Boston for a special 2-hour training put on by Spartan Races. I get a little nervous thinking about that too but it’s all good.

Having chatted with family members over the weekend about the upcoming race it was clear to me that I was one feeling the most nervous and unprepared for what was to come and it reminded me of a blog post I wrote a few years ago about not feeling successful.

There is a big difference between being successful and feeling successful. When my clients don’t feel successful they don’t really care that they are achieving success. They have got to feel it for it to mean anything to them.

I’m guessing you go through this as well. That being the case here are some reasons why when other people describe you and I as successful we feel like a fraud.

Have You Documented Your Goals and Milestones?

If you don’t mark where you started how will you know how far you’ve come? If you don’t know exactly where you are going and the different milestones you’ll pass on the way, how will you know if you need to course-correct, or pick up the pace?

You have nothing to measure your progress against. Every accomplishment lacks meaning and gets swallowed up by the next thing on the list.

If you haven’t documented goals and milestones then you’re also not likely celebrating your smaller victories along the way. Acknowledging and celebrating small wins will give you momentum to keep going.

If you can’t recognize a small win and take the time to celebrate it then it was just something that should have been done anyway.

I can’t stress this enough: have documented goals and create all the milestones along the way to achieving that goal. Celebrate the passing of each milestone.

Do You Keep Comparing Yourself to Someone Else?

No matter how much we achieve there is going to be someone who is further ahead or doing something uniquely different from what we are doing.

That’s their journey. You are on yours. There are reasons why we choose the goals we choose, why we choose the timeline and the plan for achieving those goals and they are uniquely our own.

Chances are if we were to trade places with those people we momentarily envy we would be unhappy. We would be dissatisfied because there would be something important missing or a sacrifice made that would have compromised our values.

Your mission is to live your best life and leave others to live theirs.

You Are So Overworked and Overwhelmed, What Is There To Feel Good About?

Someday you’re going to wake up and wonder where all the time went. You’ll wonder why you were not happy even though you had a good life.

If you are thinking now I’m going to tell you to stop striving to be wildly successful think again. It’s not the striving for success that is making you feel dissatisfied. It’s how you are striving that is stealing the joy of your achievements.

How many times have you heard that it’s not about the destination, it’s the journey. If you are unhappy with how your journey is going then you need to take a different perspective on the journey.

Pay attention to the conversations you have, with yourself and with others, about the work you are doing, the progress your business is making, what you are and are not getting done, and the people you interact with regularly.

If the conversations don’t lift you up then something must change.

Bottom line… 

Being successful doesn’t mean much if you don’t feel successful as well. Allow yourself to see your progress and celebrate all the accomplishments, big and small. Appreciate that you are on your own journey that is going to be different from everyone else’s, and if striving for success feels like a burden seek an objective observer to gain some perspective so you can identify what is stealing your energy and joy.

If you haven’t already done so, invest the money to take my self-assessment to pinpoint exactly what is causing you to have to work so hard to be and to feel successful.

If you’d like to add anything, or list another cause of feeling unsuccessful, I’m sure the Women Taking the Lead community would be very appreciative! Just add your suggestion into the comment section below.

If you’ve found this episode to be valuable, share it with a friend and click one of the share buttons on the post!

Thank you so much, and here’s to your being and FEELING successful!

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Zebralove Web SolutionsYour website tells a story about your business! At Zebralove Web Solutions, Milly and her team are going to make sure your website tells the story you want your customers to hear. Connect with Milly at to create the impression you want to make!


Private Facebook Community: Chat, share and collaborate with other women in the community!

Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to DoingA simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.

The Accomplished Community: A community of entrepreneurial Type A women uniting to achieve their biggest goals with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor.

Subscribe to Women Taking the Lead

If you enjoyed this episode subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play Music or iHeart Radio and never miss out on inspiration and community!

Apr 17, 2017

Kara Snyder is the Strategist over at vital corps, a health + lifestyle studio located at the 3-way intersection of functional health, self-care and strategic action. Additionally, she’s the creator/host of Le vital corps Salon podcast. Serving frazzled, Type-A women since 2009, Kara deconstructs the broken processes in her clients' lives, investigates why they might feel not-so-great, and co-creates actionable steps towards a healthier life – a life spiked with passion and slathered with joy.

Click to tweet: Kara Snyder from @vitalcorps is sharing her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead #inspiration

Playing Small Moment

Kara has been a health and life strategist since 2009, but after college she was a CPA and helped businesses as they went through bankruptcy. Kara was fortunate and landed a good job with a large accounting firm while she was in her senior year of school. Everyone, including her school advisors, continually exclaimed how lucky she was to have that sort of opportunity. Because of those circumstances, Kara didn’t even consider negotiating during her interview. Years later, she discovered that her male friend that had started at the same time as her was making substantially more money per year. This hit Kara pretty hard, and she realized she was playing small in that interview.

The Wake Up Call

Kara had always this energy that stemmed from scheduling and planning, even as a kid. During the time spent at her first job, Kara was drained of that energy. She spent most of her time traveling for work and spent many nights sleeping on conference room floors. All of the continuous stress and exhaustion lead to a complete break down of her digestive system. Having digestive issues only escalated her stress. Kara had a pretty traumatic event occur in the middle of a plane, after rushing to catch her flight one day for work. The only help Kara was getting for her health issues was in the form of prescription medication, even after asking for alternatives. Kara left her doctor’s office in tears after a disappointing talk and had a sudden realization that if she was going to heal her gut, she had to take it into her own hands. Kara set her mind to helping herself and others heal themselves and her airplane story came out of hiding so she could encourage those around her to address their health head on.

Style of Leadership

Communication and creating a safe place for people to express themselves and their opinions is something that is incredibly important to Kara. Whether it's in the sessions, volunteering, on a board or on a team, its important to recognize the process leading up to when you’re interfacing with her, thinking about when - night time meetings - people are going to be hungry, they’ve been on the go since 8am. analyzing that and working with it. Recognizing, have a snack available, they may be flustered. Give them a couple minutes, coffee or tea. Make it comfortable so everyone can be productive in a little more relaxed way.

What Are You Excited About?

After 7 years of working with clients, Kara noticed that there was either absolute angst or excitement when discussing tasks lists. The struggle between obligatory stuff we need to do, and the stuff we deeply desire but don’t always have the time for, can be overwhelming. Kara’s observance sparked “The 33k Task List Project, where she hopes to collect 33 thousand hand written task lists. The lists will help Kara shift the conversation around obligation and desire and the consequences that occur when balance is not present.

Current Business Challenge

The 33k Task List Project will definitely be a challenge for Kara, given the volume and spreading the word. Behind the scenes, Kara struggles with referrals. Due to her line of work, and the taboo of digestive issues in our society, Kara often find that her clients refer to her as their “secret weapon,” which doesn’t exactly help her marketing.

Leadership Practice

Kara is an avid supporter of meditation.

Advice For Younger Self

“Chillax. Everyone else feels like an imposter too, so stop overthinking, overworking and over planning everything.”

Inspirational Quote

“You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.” ~Colette



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Apr 13, 2017

Hello everyone and thank you for joining me today. I'm sitting here on the Sunday before this episode is being released and not quite sure which topic I want to touch upon.

I'm in a head space today where instead of wanting to crank out a lot of work, which is my normal routine on a Sunday morning, I wanted to sit and reflect and do a bit of puttering as I've talked about in previous episodes.

I am feeling resistance to being very active today.

I tried pushing for a bit, and distracting myself with other tasks but I keep coming back to wanting to be in the space of ease and reflection.

And this is the thing, if you have big goals and I know I do, there are going to be days that you have tasks on the calendar but you're just not into it. And this leaves you with a few choices.

One, you can delete the task all together. Two, you can reschedule the task for another time. Three, you can force yourself to do the task and there are very few situations in which I would recommend this. Lastly, and what I did, is you can be creative about the task.

A few episodes ago I talked about getting started. How the first couple of baby steps to initiate the goal is actually the goal you want to focus on.

In my experience of writing that episode what worked for me was to open a blank page and just start writing. However I had a different energy level that day. Today that strategy wasn't working for me so I tried something different.

First I meditated, since that's an activity I am in the mood for today I went with it. While I was meditating what popped into my mind was the dragon software.

Dragon software allows you to dictate your thoughts via microphone into a document. I went back to my computer to research the software and discovered it cost $300. While I did not want to spontaneously drop $300 on new software I have no idea how often I would actually use, I still like the idea of voice dictation.

Then I remembered I almost deleted the Evernote app off my phone this morning but decided not to because I knew I would use it at some point in the next few months and didn't want to go through the whole process of downloading it onto my phone again and signing in. I know it's such a small task but the idea of doing it didn't appeal to me so I left the app on my phone.

Well that decision was fortunate because the next thought I had after deciding not to download the dragon software was to go into Evernote to see if I could do voice dictation there and I could.

Wag-lah! Here I am doing the next 100% Jodi episode via voice rather than typing on my keyboard. Yay!

The lesson for me and what I want to offer you here is, the next time you're not in the mood or don't have the energy for a particular task take a step back. Do something you would rather do and when you come back, give yourself the space to approach the task in a different way.

Relaxation, play and an attitude of lightness around a task will oftentimes trigger the perfect solution.

Do you have a strategy for approaching a task you don't want to do? If so, let us know! Leave a comment on the post that accompanies this episode at

I also wanted to let you know that I am doing a free webinar on the secrets to being calm and powerful as a Type A woman. We are often perceived as being powerful but we are not often perceived as both calm and powerful or as I really like to call it calm and influential.

In this webinar I’m going to give you some insights into how you are wired as a Type A woman and the subtle but effective things you can do to start feeling calmer so you can do what you do best without the stress or upset that can be a part of our everyday existence.

If you want to start waking up feeling lighter, more free, and eager for the day ahead go ahead and grab your seat at

Lastly, I want to talk about the awesomeness that is Milly Welsh, owner of Zebralove Web Solutions. Here’s an email I got last week from Milly.

"There is a brute force attack on your website in progress. I’ll remove it shortly!

Sorry about the inconvenience! I hate hackers!"

Yeah, I hate hackers too. But what was worse than this minor inconvenience is when years ago I didn’t have Milly hosting my website and looking out for my security. The hackers got in and made some nasty changes. Then I got emails from people saying they’d been to my site and saw what was there. It was so embarrassing!

As much as we can sympathize with business websites getting hacked it looks unprofessional and people won’t feel safe doing business with a company whose website gets hacked.

Do yourself a favor and reach out to Milly to see if your website is safe. You can reach her at

Thank you all so much for joining me and here’s to your success!

Thank You to Our Sponsors

Zebralove Web SolutionsYour website tells a story about your business! At Zebralove Web Solutions, Milly and her team are going to make sure your website tells the story you want your customers to hear. Connect with Milly at to create the impression you want to make!


Private Facebook Community: Chat, share and collaborate with other women in the community!

Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to DoingA simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.

The Accomplished Community: A community of entrepreneurial Type A women uniting to achieve their biggest goals with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor.

Subscribe to Women Taking the Lead

If you enjoyed this episode subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play Music or iHeart Radio and never miss out on inspiration and community!

Apr 10, 2017

Erin Robbins has been working in analytics and marketing for the past 15 years for enterprises, agencies, and startups. She has lived around the country as well as internationally and currently calls Columbus, Ohio home. As GinzaMetrics' President & COO, Erin helps lead product strategy, sales and marketing, and organizational operations. When she's not busy with Ginza, she's likely spending time with her bulldogs, enjoying a beer, or doing something active. 

Click to tweet: .@TexasGirlErin is sharing her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead #inspiration

Playing Small Moment

Erin came from a male-dominated technology field and had to figure out how to navigate through the gender bias while also staying true to herself. She was shocked to discover that many women were often just as much to blame as the men in supporting the gender roles in business.

In her early 20’s, Erin worked for a midsize organization, as one of the lowest people on the totem pole. Her boss was often seen talking to people in the hallways and inviting them back into his office. One day, Erin was also invited and was made very uncomfortable by this boss’s comments about advancing her career. Erin started making herself busy during those invites and would ignore his advances. A female coworker of hers at the time, who was previously familiar with the boss’s invites, started spreading rumors about Erin out of jealousy. Erin assumed that because of her junior position, she would not be taken seriously on her claims against the boss and her coworker; Erin just wanted out. In order to avoid the confrontation, Erin quickly switched jobs into one she wasn’t even interested in, just to get out of the uncomfortable situation. Looking back, Erin wishes she had said something, as others may have been suffering the same way. Erin now stands firmly behind the belief that size or stature is not a determinant in doing the right thing for yourself, or your organization.

The Wake Up Call

Erin worked at an agency filled with amazing coworkers and clients, but a terrible boss. Having worked with some incredible bosses, Erin was torn, as she definitely knew the difference. At times, Erin felt there was no way to please her boss, almost as if she were running on a treadmill with the speed increasing, yet going nowhere. Erin knows she stayed longer than she should have at that job because of how much she loved the people who surrounded her. Moving on to her next position, she reflected on something her father told her when she began working, “Your only real job at your job, is to make your organization and your superiors look good.” Your performance is always more important to your direct supervisor than the CEO of the company, as that person is responsible for you accomplishing your goals and tasks, while helping you grow your career. This taught Erin how the type of manager she wanted to be, and how she wanted to make people feel included. When one person wins, the whole team wins.

Style of Leadership

Erin is a direct leader. She wants her team to always know where they stand with positive coaching feedback on a regular basis, not just a yearly review with shocking information. Erin expects the same in return. She wants to know if her team is unhappy as soon as it becomes a problem, not 6 months later when they decide to unexpectedly quit. Erin is direct, but also casual. She uses overly formal communication and is often both sarcastic and intense. Erin also encourages all growth opportunities and believes the only limits within her organization are the ones you set for yourself.

What Are You Excited About?

Historically, there has been a black hold between where companies are putting their money and what they are actually getting for their investment. What GinzaMetrics is trying to do now is use more data and data analysis to show companies better insight into what is working and not working, with a side by side comparison. This can also allow for recommendations on where they should be spending to make the most difference. 

Current Business Challenge

At GinzaMetrics, they have a huge global network and customer base, which means the team is constantly working with different languages and time zones. Considering her team is reasonably small, Erin really counts on everyone to pull their weight and be a conscientious team player and it can be a real struggle at times. To stay productive, the team uses numerous channels on Slack. Erin feels that especially with a small team, everyone’s ideas and input are important so they try to keep the channels narrowed down so nothing gets lost.

Leadership Practice

Erin tries to learn and do the tasks that she asks of others around her. In order to help make the most strategic and beneficial recommendations as a leader, Erin strives to always understand the core functions and roles of her team. Erin also believes in being aware of what she doesn’t know, as this allows her to put trust in the people she hires to fill those gaps.

Advice For Younger Self

Erin would advise her younger self, and even her current self, to incorporate more balance into her life. Allotting more time for family, friends and healthy practices, such as yoga and running, has been very beneficial for Erin. She is more focused and productive during her time spent at work when things are more balanced than if she pushes herself to work 24/7. On days when Erin is working longer hours, she still tries to pull away during the afternoon to readjust herself.

Inspirational Quote

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~ Thomas Edison





Thank You to Our Sponsors

Zebralove Web SolutionsYour website tells a story about your business! At Zebralove Web Solutions, Milly and her team are going to make sure your website tells the story you want your customers to hear. Connect with Milly at to create the impression you want to make!


Private Facebook Community: Chat, share and collaborate with other women in the community!

Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to DoingA simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.

The Accomplished Community: A community of entrepreneurial Type A women uniting to achieve their biggest goals with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor.

Subscribe to Women Taking the Lead

If you enjoyed this episode subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play Music or iHeart Radio and never miss out on inspiration and community!

Apr 6, 2017

Hello everyone and thank you for joining me today!

Let’s talk Facebook Live.

Love it or hate it, it has become a monumental change in the way we can communicate on social media. To be honest, I was resistant to it at first, but once I tried it I had intended to do them regularly since the fall. Well, life gets in the way sometimes.

Even though it has been some time, I really do think these Facebook Live Sessions are beneficial to all of us, so I really want to make it happen. In hopes of outward accountability and staying consistent, I am sharing with you my intentions, along with a Facebook Live I did back in September.

Here are some topics I cover in the Facebook Live:

Getting comfortable in uncomfortable situations
The purchase of a selfie stick
Finding people in your community that are up to great things
The Agents of Change conference
Having that “Shitty First Draft” out there, no matter what
Checking in with your community and how they perceive you
What I do for a living
Changing perspectives
Facebook Page reach
Arbonne Products


Thank You to Our Sponsors

Zebralove Web SolutionsYour website tells a story about your business! At Zebralove Web Solutions, Milly and her team are going to make sure your website tells the story you want your customers to hear. Connect with Milly at to create the impression you want to make!


Private Facebook Community: Chat, share and collaborate with other women in the community!

Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to DoingA simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.

The Accomplished Community: A community of entrepreneurial Type A women uniting to achieve their biggest goals with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor.

Subscribe to Women Taking the Lead

If you enjoyed this episode subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play Music or iHeart Radio and never miss out on inspiration and community!

Apr 3, 2017

Lolly Daskal is one of the most sought-after executive leadership coaches in the world.

As founder and CEO of Lead From Within, her proprietary leadership program is engineered to be a catalyst for leaders who want to enhance performance and make a meaningful difference in their companies, their lives, and the world. Based on a mix of modern philosophy, science, and nearly thirty years coaching top executives, Lolly’s perspective on leadership continues to break new ground and produce exceptional results.

Of her many awards and accolades, Lolly was designated a Top-50 Leadership and

Management Expert by Inc. magazine. Huffington Post honored Lolly with the title of The Most Inspiring Woman in the World.

Her writing has appeared in Harvard Business Review,, Fast Company (Ask The Expert), Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and others.

Click to tweet: .@lollydaskal is sharing her story on Women Taking the Lead #inspiration

Playing Small Moment

Early in a difficult childhood, Lolly made a conscious decision to not play small or undervalue herself as she journeyed through self-discovery. Lolly was a curious child and an avid reader who became enamored with her life, finding out who she was and what life was all about. While reading Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning, Lolly really identified with the challenges and finding meaning behind them and rereads the book each year to keep the message fresh in her mind. Lolly knows that in her darkest moments she will find treasure, and knows it will always be an amazing learning experience.

Each night before bed, Lolly asks herself a two-part question that allows her to revel in daily triumphs and set goals for the following day. Lolly knows now that life is in stages, and the decisions you make at a certain level must be the right choice for that point in your life.

The Wake Up Call

Lolly has a history with perfectionism and had to learn the difference between perfection and excellence. She thought she had to be perfect and on top of everything and ended up exhausting herself. Lolly started asking herself if she was trying to achieve perfection or excellence. Being perfect is not achievable, but Lolly knew she had to bring quality and excellence to what she does and let the ideal of perfection go.

Style of Leadership

Lolly leads from within and by example. She does everything with heart, compassion, empathy and without judgements or assumptions. Lolly truly tries to be present in the moment with each person or group that she is with, either virtually or in person. Lolly feels that if she can be present in the moment, it allows her to have a robust future of all the great little moments that add up.

What Are You Excited About?

Lolly's lifelong dream of being an author is coming true with her first book, The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness. Lolly is extremely excited and passionate about this book, as she has written about the methods she uses with clients so people can coach themselves, and have awareness about themselves, in a way that they normally wouldn’t. This book is different than other leadership or business books, as it's not about what you should do, but about who you should be.

Biggest Leadership Challenge

With Lolly's dream in full force, her perfectionist self has come back in full storm. Many years ago, Lolly made a promise to herself that she was going to live each day with a purpose of serving others. It's hard keeping that promise, being of service every day. So, Lolly's goal of reaching the New York Times Bestsellers List, would enable the book to become its own entity and allow her to help others she normally wouldn't be able to.

Leadership Practice

Lolly has a couple of practices that allow her to be a better leader. Being disciplined and coming up with rituals on a daily basis, gives her the freedom to be who she wants to be. Every night she asks that two-part question, and in the morning between 4:30 and 6:30, she reads an entire book. These practices make her a better leader because she is always learning, growing and changing.

Advice For Younger Self

Have more compassion. Lolly says her compassion came from not having compassion, and suffering about it, when she was younger. Lolly would also advise her younger self to not be as harsh on herself and learn that its ok if things arent working out the way she wants. Everything will be ok.

Inspirational Quote

“Greatness is a destiny that is available to anyone. We just have to choose it."




Lolly’s proprietary insights are the subject of her new book, The Leadership Gap:

What Gets Between You and Your Greatness, and is available for pre order now






Thank You to Our Sponsors

Zebralove Web SolutionsYour website tells a story about your business! At Zebralove Web Solutions, Milly and her team are going to make sure your website tells the story you want your customers to hear. Connect with Milly at to create the impression you want to make!


Private Facebook Community: Chat, share and collaborate with other women in the community!

Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to DoingA simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.

The Accomplished Community: A community of entrepreneurial Type A women uniting to achieve their biggest goals with confidence, integrity and a sense of humor.

Subscribe to Women Taking the Lead

If you enjoyed this episode subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, Google Play Music or iHeart Radio and never miss out on inspiration and community!