Dr. Amy Cannatta is an international coach, innovative life strategist, #1 International bestselling author of her book, PURSEpective: From Ruin to Resilience, podcast host, and blogger for The Huffington Post. She is passionate about teaching you how changing your perspective can turn tragedy into personal transformation. Focusing on resilience, perseverance and positivity, she has personally developed a signature coaching program using her DREAM framework, the same strategies she used herself to transform from domestic abuse victim to VICTOR, doctor and entrepreneur. Her personally developed coaching programs combine her expertise as an intuitive, holistic chiropractor, business owner and life coach. When she is not getting caught red handed with her hand on her secret stash of sour patch kids or getting glares from her teenage daughters for dancing around the kitchen, she can be found enjoying nature.
Playing Small Moment
Amy’s playing small moment came when her grandmother passed away. She was 29-years-old and pregnant with her second daughter when she felt a nagging feeling, telling her she was destined for more.
The Wake Up Call
Amy knows exactly when the biggest wake up call of her life happened — it was May 21, 2002. She was taking her final chiropractic exam when police officers surrounded her school. Amy’s abusive, husband-at-the-time had shown up armed and in camouflage.
Style of Leadership
Leading by example to inspire and motivate others through actions. Amy says you never know who is watching or who you are influencing.
What Are You Excited About?
Amy is launching a 5-step, DREAM framework. It is a simple framework anyone can use to build resiliency, tenacity and courage. DREAM will soon be a group course and a self-study course.
Current Business Challenge
Amy finds herself maxed out on time and her biggest challenge is deciding if she can afford to hire another team member.
Your Support System
Amy has an army of support behind her. She pays attention to the people who are cheering her on while she is doing well, because her inner circle cheers her on all of the time.
Leadership Practice
Journaling every day makes Amy a better leader.
Book to Develop Leadership
Sacred Success by Barbara Stanny
Advice For Younger Self
Get used to the downs, because they come along with the ups.
Inspirational Quote
“To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when stars shine brightest.” ~ Anonymous
Podcast: Concept To Cash Flow -
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amycannattadc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/acannattadc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amycannatta
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